Online records

All healthcare providers in the Netherlands store healthcare data about their patients. This is usually done securely in the care providers own system.

It would be useful if all these data came together centrally in one place, so that you can consult them all centrally online. This is now possible in a so-called personal health environment, or in Dutch calles a PGO. At your request, all data from your general practitioner, specialist, pharmacy, physiotherapist, etc. will be collected here.

There are many different PGO developed by different companies. They have one thing in common: they exchange information at the highest security level.

Strict rules have been drawn up by the government for this and a quality mark has been drawn up if a company meets these very strict safety requirements. This quality mark is called Medmij.

As a patient, you can make your own choice through which PGO you want to view your data. There are many PGO and some are still under development. Data will only be exchanged if you personally register with a PGO. Only you then have (secure) access to this data.

You can read more about PGO and how to choose a PGO here (this site is not available in English):