Practice information

Opening hours:

  • Monday - Friday
    • 07.00 - 12:00
    • 13:30 - 17.00

Outside our opening hours in case of emergencies, you can call the central doctor service: 088-0030600 or visit:

Assistant tasks
For the following medical procedures you can usually come in the same day. Give us a call, so we can schedule a time for you.

  • Blood withdrawal 8.15-9.30 on
  • Measuring blood pressure
  • Injections
  • Wound care
  • STD testing
  • Flushing ears
  • Pregnancy testing
  • UTI testing
  • Removing stitches
  • Nitrogen treatment of warts

Patient satisfaction
Huisarts aan de Herengracht conducts a satisfaction survey every 3 years. This research is conducted and processed by Argo (

The latest survey took place in 2023. Of those surveyed, the average rating was a 9 (out of 10)! The entire report can be obtained (in Dutch) at our practice.

Do you have a complaint about our doctors or practice? We strive to work professionally and it is important that you trust us. If you are not satisfied with our services, you have the right to make a complaint. Please consider booking an appointment with the doctor first to discuss.

You can e-mail us at or you can fill out a complaint form available from the assistant (the form can be sent by e-mail or post upon request).

After receipt, we will book an appointment to discuss your complaint with a member of our staff. If you are still not satisfied, you may submit a written complaint to the independent Complaints Institute:

Afdeling Klachten en Geschillen
Robijnstraat 6
1812 RB Alkmaar
Tel: 072-520 83 25